- At Magoba
- London to South Africa 2014 exchange students
- London students teaching at Magoba JSS
- Making friends at Magoba JSS
- London students teaching at Magoba JSS
Broaden out their horizons; providing life changing experiences for young people around the world who would not otherwise have that opportunity.
We are an educational charity, established by two teachers; Linda Quinn and Martha Braggins. The charity organises, and funds, reciprocal exchange visits between schools in the UK and their global partners.
In 2014/2015 we successfully completed our first student exchange, bringing together the students from Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School in London, UK and Magoba Junior Secondary School in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. It started in July 2014 when 10 students and 4 teachers from EGA visited Magoba Junior Secondary School for 10 amazing days. The return leg of this student exchange took place in February 2015, when 10 students from Magoba JSS and three of their teachers visited London. This strengthened and deepened links between the two schools and was an incredible experience for the young people involved.
The success of this first project was followed in 2016-2017 by another, equally fantastic exchange also involving EGA students, but this time with Ntafufu Senior Secondary School. Our third exchange project took place in 2018-2019, this time involving a different London school: The Urswick School in Hackney. Both these exchanges once again involved reciprocal visits by London and South African students. In February 2020 we completed the first leg of our fourth exchange project, again involving The Urswick School. Soon after our return, however, the world went into lockdown and so sadly the return visit was not able to happen.
We were thrilled that in 2023 we were able to restart our exchange programme and we have just completed an extremely successful fifth exchange project, again between The Urswick School and Ntafufu SSS. The Urswick School was fortunate enough to secure a Turing School Exchanges Grant to fund the first leg of this programme, with the return trip being the focus for our fundraising.
You can find out much more about both recent visits here:
Instagram @bothcharity
Twitter @sharedifference
Facebook @broadenouttheirhorizons
Our Patron
Helena Bonham Carter is the founding patron of broaden out their horizons.
“I am very excited to be part of something that aims to give young people around the world the opportunity not only to share what they have in common with each other, but also to learn from their differences.”