Broaden Out Their Horizons (BOTH) aims to do exactly what our name suggests for young people in the UK and South Africa. The students involved in BOTH's exchange projects benefit hugely in terms of their confidence, aspiration and determination. Students learn that they have much more similarities than differences with their peers thousands of miles away. In addition, they learn to understand the differences in context, to appreciate the advantages that chance gives to some and to strive harder to achieve their aims.

 'I learned that in life everything is possible.'     'Now I have big dreams about my future.' Two quotes from South African students who participated in BOTH's programme, visiting London in 2017. ‘You just develop such a different way of thinking and become such a more appreciative person’ Ola in 2019 five years after her exchange and in her 3rd year of uni. ‘It’s inspired me to want to travel more and explore different cultures.’ Nadia also in 2019 then in her third year at uni studying politics and sociology. 

 We are about to embark on the first leg of our come back since Covid. The visit to SA is fully funded by the government Turing Scheme. However, our USP is the reciprocal nature of our exchanges and now we need to start the fundraising to bring the SA students back for their experience. We are aiming to raise £30,000 to guarantee this return visit can take place. Already the lucky participants from this year’s exchange to SA have started their fundraising activities and we hope many more friends and supporters will join us.

 If you would like a reminder of what we do and why we do it, please have a look at our recent posts:

facebook - @broadenouttheirhorizons

instagram @bothcharity

twitter @sharedifference

Thanks hugely to everyone for your support!